The Dartington Social Research Unit (DSRU) has undergone a transformation. It is now operating as the Dartington Service Design Lab; see: This website is an archive of DSRU activity is no longer updated.

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Perfect bedfellows: why early intervention can play a critical role in protecting children

An article responding to a critique of the role of early intervention in child protection and making the case for a public health approach to preventing child maltreatment.

/ Paper

The effectiveness of the Incredible Years pre-school parenting programme in the United Kingdom: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial

An article reporting the results of an evaluation by randomised controlled trial of the Incredible Years parenting programme in a large city in the UK.

/ Paper

Doing randomised controlled trials in the real world: Realising Ambition Programme Insight #6

In the sixth of our series of learning from this Big Lottery programme we take a frank look at the process of doing real-world RCTs and draw out some lessons for funders, evaluators and intervention developers and providers.

/ Report

What Works in Europe?

A report on what is available in Europe in terms of home-grown and imported evidence-based programmes, drawing on research to inform a database for European Communities that Care sites.

/ Report

Proving vs improving: Realising Ambition Programme Insight #4

In the fourth in our series of learning from this Big Lottery programme we focus on interim data on the outcomes of beneficiaries served by projects.

/ Paper

Dismantling the hierarchy: Realising Ambition Programme Insight #3

The third in our series of learning from the Big Lottery Fund Realising Ambition programme focuses on the iterative nature of service improvement and how generating evidence is a continuous process.

/ Paper

From miracles to logic models

Nick Axford argues that logic models are central to effective service design and sets out 7 features of a good logic model.

/ Blog

The Bad Behaviour of Good People

People are neither bad nor good, argues Amelia Kohm, in this slighty amended version of her iBook originally published in 2014.

/ Book

Presentations from the Transforming Children's Services Conference, Perth, 18th March 2016

The Dartington Social Research (DSRU) and the Improving Outcomes for Children consortium were delighted to host the national conference on Transforming Children’s Services: Using the best evidence to get it right for every child.

/ Video

Reflections and lessons from five Scottish sites

A paper drawing together lessons and reflections from the Unit’s work in five localities over the last five years.

/ Report

Evaluation of Complex Interventions and the example of FNP

Keira Lowther explains that the problems faced by children and families experiencing disadvantage should be tackled by interventions with proven effectiveness. Collecting that evidence however, is not so straightforward.

/ Blog

An Impact Evaluation of Social Work and the Frontline Programme: Study Protocol

/ Report

Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of the KiVa bullying prevention programme

An article describing the aims and method of a randomised controlled trial of the KiVa bullying prevention programme with an embedded process evaluation and calculation of unit costs.

/ Paper

Evidence2Success (UK) - An independent evaluation

An independent evaluation of the Evidence2Success project in Perth & Kinross, Scotland

/ Report

Attachment and attachment-related outcomes in preschool children: a review of recent evidence

An article summarising findings from systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials on the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving attachment and attachment-related outcomes in young children.  

/ Paper

Evidence is Confidence: Realising Ambition Programme Insight #2

The second in our series of learning from the Big Lottery Fund Realising Ambition programme. This piece is focused on the role of evidence when replicating services for children. Evidence is confidence, not the unequivocal truth. 

/ Paper

The effectiveness and micro-costing analysis of a universal, school-based, social-emotional learning programme in the UK

An article reporting the results of an evaluation by randomised controlled trial of the PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) programme in a large city in England

/ Paper

How much do we spend on services for children?

Louise Morpeth feels this seemingly straightforward question is surprisingly hard to answer.

/ Blog

Fund-mapping: The Investment of Public Resources in the Wellbeing of Children and Young People in Northern Ireland

A report on total annual expenditure on children in Northern Ireland, the extent to which services involve prevention and early intervention, and how much money is invested in evidence-based programmes.

/ Report

Twenty-one Lessons and Five Investment Opportunities (print friendly)

A paper on lessons emerging from our experience of working closely with forward-looking Trusts, Foundations and Local Authorities to develop major investment strategies.

/ Paper

Twenty-one Lessons and Five Investment Opportunities (browser friendly)

A paper on lessons emerging from our experience of working closely with forward-looking Trusts, Foundations and Local Authorities to develop major investment strategies.

/ Paper

Bringing Everything I Am Into One Place

A report of an Inquiry into how we can all better support young people facing severe and multiple disadvantage.

/ Report

Bringing Everything I Am Into One Place (Executive Summary)

Executive summary of a report of an Inquiry into how we can all better support young people facing severe and multiple disadvantage.

/ Report

Relate Without Pity

An animation based on an inquiry into how we can all better support young people facing severe and multiple disadvantage.

/ Media

Rapid Review to Update Evidence for the Healthy Child Programme 0-5

A report on 'what works' to improve the health and development of children from conception to age 5.


/ Report

The Secret Life of Innovation: Realising Ambition Programme Insight #1

The first in our series of learning from the Big Lottery Fund Realising Ambition programme. This piece focuses on why replication of effective services is important, what successful replication looks like, and how replication helps pave the way for innovation.

/ Report

The Best Start at Home

A report on 'what works' to improve the quality of parent-child interactions from conception to age 5.


/ Report

Design & Refine

A guide to developing effective interventions for children and young people.

/ Report

Involving parents in school-based programmes to prevent and reduce bullying: what effect does it have?

A journal article on how and why school-based programmes to prevent or reduce bullying involve parents, and what impact involving parents has on bullying.


/ Article

Service Evaluation of the Compassionate Minds Module of the Family Nurse Partnership Programme

A report of an evaluation of an optional training module within the Family Nurse Partnership programme.

/ Report

The Science Within: What Matters for Children's Outcomes in the Early Years

An overview of the evidence on how children develop from conception to age 3.


/ Report

What Works: An Overview of the Best Available Evidence on Giving Children a Better Start

An overview of the evidence on how to improve child outcomes from conception to age 3.

/ Report

ACE resources

The DSRU is evaluating the Safe Families for Children intervention to find out its impact on parental anxiety, children’s behavioural and emotional difficulties, as well as parental interpersonal support.

/ Media




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